A 101 Session into Kubernetes Storage: Session Recap

Summary of Veeam Kubernetes Korner Session

Posted by Adam Mazouz on Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Last year when I started my journey into Kubernetes, I really didn’t think I will be invited to any Kubernetes events or sessions, luckily I was wrong. Last week I was a guest on Veeam Kuberent Korner hosted by Geoff Burke aka The Kubernetes Ambassador.

event banner I had great time where I had the chance to share my journey into IT, and we talked about Kubernetes Storage, why does it matter to you as a storage admin, DevOps engineer or SRE. Also, we demonstrated the basic storage volumes that you can use natively in any K8s cluster. And since I have recently passed the CKA, we threw a couple of tips here and there 😉

The main reason why I have started sharing the session is because I am aiming to continue learning, understanding K8s storage ecosystem and attempting a couple of different solutions and tools. But first it is important to understand the basics of storage in containers first.

I am attaching the slides and a couple of links that you can use to learn or practice in your free time.

Session Record

Session Slides

If your website is built with Hugo, you can add cool responsive Google Slides by following Ashish blog here The sad part it won’t work for mobile browsers.

If you have learned something new with me, please share it below in the comments. Let’s keep learning!

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