AdamMazouz's Blog

Drafting My Way Through the Clouds.

Understanding Azure Bandwidth: The Often Overlooked Cost of Resiliency

Diving into What Incurs Bandwidth Charges and What does Not

This blog post will discuss the importance of understanding your Azure bandwidth costs and how you can reduce them.


What is New with CBS Terraform Provider 0.9.0

Added support to new CBS SKU Model, security enhancement, and more ...

CBS Terraform Provider offers an automated approach for deploying Pure Cloud Block Store via IaC


Reusable Terraform Modules for Pure Cloud Block Store

Start with nothing and scale to infinity

This blog post provides an entry point for how to deploy Pure Cloud Block Store in Azure, only Azure Subscription needed, everything else will be taken care of using Terraform modules


Putting Terraform `for_each` Into Practice

Example of deploying complex Azure infrastructure using Terraform for_each

This blog is an example of how I am using different Terraform features to build different modules of deploying and managing Pure Cloud Block Store. In this once I will be putting `for_each` into practice to manage similar resources with different configurations and parameters.


Unlocking the Power of Pure Storage REST APIs: Understanding Python SDK Authentication Methods

How to authenticate to FlashArray or Cloud Block Store via REST 2.x API

Python SDK enables developers to interact with its FlashArray and FlashBlade products programmatically. However, before you can start using the SDK, you need to authenticate with the storage system. In this blog, we'll explore the various authentication methods that the Pure Storage Python SDK supports with examples of course.