~$ New-BlogSite Name 'AdamMazouz'

Starting the new year with my own blog

Posted by Adam Mazouz on Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Reading Time: 2 minutes

~$echo “Hello World”

For the past 3 months, I’ ve spent every weekend, searching and stalking people’s blogs, “Nice logo, Neat theme …”. I was actively noting my own blog requirements, how I wanted it to be, on which technology I want to build it. But the only non-technical requirement that I couldn’t figure out easily is – Why Do I need to Create a Blog?

Yet, Another blog out there …

Rick typing Let me be honest with you, I really had doubts of why I need to create my own blog site and write things down. What would I add to the world “internet”? Aren’t there already too many people blogging about tech? To justify it to myself, I had to break up the blog idea into a couple of pieces, so here are the reasons why you should blog:

  1. Blogging could help me be self-motivated – Since my current job is sort of individual contributor, I require some push-to-start from time to time.
  2. Blogging would reflect on my self-development and personal growth – It will be a great place to look back and see how much I’ve learned and experienced through time.
  3. Blogging could make me a subject-matter expert (SME) in things I am expert at.
  4. Blogging would be the thing I am enjoying the most – which is giving back to the community and sharing my experience to the world.
  5. Blogging would definitely boost my confidence.

Here is to a fresh start of the year

Well, this is not my first time trying blogging. Last year, I have tasted what it is to feel like to have your words published when I stared posting on Pure Storage blog site, and It feels incredible. You can check it out blog.purestorage.com.

This year 2023 I am starting it stronger and with high self-esteem to get out my comfort zone. And since the blog is up and running – will not really “running” it is all static, or let me say “Serveless”. Actually, how I built it is what I will be first blogging about. Who knows, this might help or motivate someone else to start blogging as well. So stay tuned.

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